Letters of Testimony

Here we have accumulated some letters that we have sent in support or opposition to policy changes that have been proposed recently in lieu of being able to attend and testify in person.  

LD2: An Act to Require the Inclusion of Racial Impact Statements in the Legislative Process

Submitted to the Committee on State and Local Government on February 21, 2021, we supported this bill which would require the Inclusion of Racial Impact Statements in the legislative process.

LD1: An Act To Establish the COVID-19 Patient Bill of Rights. Amendment February 12, 2021

Submitted to the Committee on Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services on February 21, 2021, we supported this bill which would provide authorization of the delivery of health care services through telehealth by audio-only telephone.

LD 1946 - "An Act to Improve Access to Mental and Behavioral Health Services by Providing Care in Clinical Reproductive and Sexual Health Care Settings"

Submitted to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services on February 28th, 2020, we supported this bill which would create a program to provide screening and care for mental health and substance use services within reproductive and sexual health care settings.

10-146 CMR Chapter 16- "Gender Marker On Birth Record Rule"

Submitted to the Maine Department of Health and Human Services on February 27, 2020, we supported this rule change which would remove barriers to updating gender identity markers.

LD 1919- “An Act to Provide a Tax Credit for Family Caregivers”

Submitted to Committee on Taxation on February 6th, 2020, we supported this bill which would provide a tax credit to low to medium income individuals who provide care to family members.

LD 2007 (HP 1425)- "An Act To Enact the Made for Maine Health Coverage Act and Improve Health Choices in Maine"

Submitted to Committee on Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services on February 3rd, 2020, we supported this bill which would increase access to health insurance in the state. It was signed into law by the governor on March 18th, 2020.

LD 1937- "An Act To Provide Timely Access to Behavioral Health Services for Maine Children and To Address Trauma and the Impacts of the Opioid Crisis"

Submitted to the Committee on Health and Human Services on January 29, 2020, we supported this bill which would both ensure that adolescents are able to receive treatment for addiction in a timely manner and that those providing these services are properly compensated by increasing funding.

LD 1855- "An Act To Include Student Absences for Mental Health or Behavioral Health Needs as Excusable Absences"

Submitted to the Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs on January 24th 2020, we supported this bill which expand the definition of excused absences for students to include mental and behavioral health. It was signed into law by the governor on February 21st, 2020.

LR 2968:- "An Act to Maintain and Enhance the Behavioral Health Workforce in Maine"

Submitted to the Legislative Council on November 19, 2019, we opposed this bill which would allow Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors to supervise Licensed Master Social Workers - Conditional for their licensure requirements. 

LD 1684- "An Act To Clarify the Right to Counsel for Juveniles and Improve Due Process for Juveniles"

Submitted to the Judiciary Committee on May 20th, 2019, we supported this bill which would set minimum ages for juvenile incarceration and juvenile justice.

LD 1025- "An Act To Prohibit the Provision of Conversion Therapy to Minors by Certain Licensed Professionals"

Submitted to the Committee on Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services on March 25th, 2019, we supported this bill which would prohibit conversion therapy for minors. It was signed into law by the governor on May 29th, 2019.

LD 247- "An Act To Increase the Amount of Time School Counselors and Social Workers Spend Providing Students Direct and Indirect Counseling"

Submitted to the Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs on February 25, 2019, we supported this bill that would provide school counselors and social workers more reimbursed time to support their students both directly and indirectly. It was signed into law by the governor on April 22nd, 2019.