Event date: 4/30/2021 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM Export event
NASWME Chapter
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The Transformational Force of Metaphor and Intuition: Eliciting Agency, Self-efficacy, and Strength

2 Clinical CEs approved by NASW Maine

When we go about the business of helping clients increase self-efficacy, agency and strength, often the focus touches on how things go wrong rather than on what can go right. In this didactic and experiential workshop, we will explore the way metaphor (simile and allegory) embedded in the client’s story, and “mini-intuitions derived from the social worker’s inner wisdom, become transformational forces for enhancing psychosocial outcomes in three significant therapeutic dimensions.


1.) Restructuring of negative cognitions.

2.) Transforming painful emotions and maladaptive perspectives (especially those derived from trauma) into resources for coping.

3.) Integrating dissociated cognitive strengths and behavioral skills.

Attendees will be introduced to a novel way of intuitively eliciting and purposefully using key pieces of the client’s story to create extended metaphors that can anchor positive cognitions and bring about new meaning.

We will also discuss the way utilization of intuition and metaphor enhances the differential use of self and can be used with traditional evidence-based modalities.

About the Presenter

Bette Freedson, LCSW, LICSW, CGP is a clinical social worker, Certified Group Psychotherapist, Teacher, Speaker and Author of Soul Mothers’ Wisdom/Seven Insights for the Single Mother Bette is a contributing author for ERICKSONIAN THERAPY NOW: The Master Class with Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD. Bette’s new book, Other Realms, Other Ways: A Clinician’s Guide to the Magick of Intuition will be available in February.

Trained in clinical hypnosis, Bette specializes in stress management, creating resilience for children and parents, recovery from trauma and the development of intuitive insight. Bette Freedson is a member of the National Association of Social Workers Specialty Practice Section on Children, Adolescents and Young Adults, CAYA.

Bette maintains a private practice in South Berwick, Maine, where she resides and practices psychotherapy with her husband, Ray Amidon, LCPC.


Workshop Details:


  • A zoom link and handouts will be emailed to you prior to the workshop
  • The workshop will begin at 8:45, please join a few minutes early to ensure your technology is working.
  • There will be a 15 minute break at the midpoint
  • All participants needing a CE certificate will be asked to sign into the chat at the beginning of the workshop and after the break. Please have your cameras on.
  • You will be emailed an evaluation. Certificates will be emailed upon receipt of the completed evaluation.
  • Want to pay by check? Email Barbara - bsteward.naswme@socialworkers.org
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