Cultural Diversity, Cultural Competence, and Ethical Social Work Practice
2 Clinical CEUs in Ethics approved by NASW VT
The United States of the 21st century is a patchwork land of many cultures: racial, ethnic, religious, geographic, gender, age, and even physical status. Each culture has its own worldview, relationship guidelines, family structure, spiritual mindsets, and values. In their work, social workers inevitably encounter persons from cultures different from their own, and these differences can be challenging obstacles to effective, ethical practice.
The values of the profession, as articulated in the NASW Code of Ethics, ask us to honor the dignity and worth of our clients, to respect their autonomy, and to practice competently. The ethical mandate of competence includes what has been called “Cultural Competence”.
This workshop will address some of the broad categories of culturally distinct groups in our country, and provide some guidelines for what has been called a “cultural interview” as a path to cultural and ethical competence. We will also address the idea that some situations may make ethical competence impractical or impossible, and approaches to these situations. We will also address the benefit, when working cross-culturally, of maintaining an attitude of humility and interest in other cultures.
The program will use some brief lecture/discussion segments, with case studies for processing in breakout groups and again in the larger group.
Learning Objectives
Participants in this continuing education program will learn:
• The mandates for culturally competent practice as articulated in the NASW Code of Ethics
• An expanded view of the many cultures in the country, beyond just the racial and ethnic cultures that are most often discussed
• The concept of the “cultural interview” as a first step toward cultural competence
• Assessing levels of cultural competence as a precursor to engagement with clients
• The need to decenter personal worldview and maintain an attitude of humility in engaging with other cultures.
About the Presenter:
Jacob Stone, formerly on the faculty at the Marywood University School of Social Work in Pennsylvania and the social work program of the University of Alaska (Fairbanks), is retired after a half-century of practice as a direct service provider, nonprofit executive, consultant, field instructor, and teacher and trainer. He served for many years as chair of the ethics committee of NASW-PA, and during the past twenty years he has focused his work and study on professional ethics, providing training and consultation on ethics through NASW and diverse other settings. Jacob moved from Pennsylvania to Vermont six years ago, and in retirement has continued to provide training and ethics round table discussions through NASW-VT.
Workshop details:
- A zoom link and materials will be emailed to you a few days before the workshop
- The workshop begins at 8:45 and ends at 11, please plan on joining the zoom meeting 10 minutes prior to the start to ensure your technology is working
- There will be a break at the midpoint
- An evaluation will be emailed to you after the workshop, CEU certificates will be emailed upon receipt of the evaluation
- For any questions or technical issues, please email or text me - or 603.496.0994
- You can pay by check - email Lynn and send checks made out to NASW VT to NASW NH, 4 Chenell Drive, Concord, NH 03301
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