Event date: 3/26/2021 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Export event
NASWME Chapter
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Ethical Suicide Prevention, Assessment & Response Using Telehealth


Charles Safford, LCSW

Three (3) Clinical Category A CEUs in Ethics and Suicide Prevention are pending approval from NASW NH

This three-hour course will address the special complications and risks of working with suicidal clients when utilizing telemental health as the service delivery model. It will also provide guidelines for making determinations about which clients may and may not be suitable for treatment using distance technologies, and forms and templates to assist in mitigating the risk through appropriate assessment and development of a safety plan. In order to optimize the learning experience, this program will include scenario and analysis and experiential learning.


Learning Objectives

• Develop assessment capabilities for determining the suitability of clients for clinical work via distance technologies when suicidality is present.

• Utilize a comprehensive suicide questionnaire over distance technologies to understand its applicability and limitations in clinical work

• Formulate a best practices informed consent protocol for addressing suicidality when utilizing distance technologies, applying guidelines from HIPAA and the 2010 and 2013 HIPAA updates.

• Apply best practices forms and templates for the development of a safety plan to adequately address and mitigate the potential for suicidal action.

• Incorporate appropriate ethical guidelines from the revised NASW Code of Ethics for duty to protect considerations and considerations related to privacy and confidentiality when utilizing distance communications

• Consolidate learning through the use of scenario analysis and experiential learning.

About the Presenter

Charles Safford, LCSW is the President and owner of yourceus.com, Inc., a company that develops and markets web-based and live continuing education training for mental health clinicians on a nationwide basis. Mr. Safford has been providing counseling services since he received his graduate degree from Boston University in 1981 and has been in private practice since 1985. Since 1988, he has also been involved in developing and delivering innovative training programs for numerous audiences. In 2001, he merged his training and therapy skills to create yourceus.com, Inc., a company that teaches and trains mental health clinicians on a nationwide basis, offering both live and web based programs encompassing the best and most recent knowledge and skills in the field of mental health. Since 2013, Mr. Safford has been training clinicians around the country in the ethical use of telemental health as a service delivery model, including the special complications of providing services to clients with special safety risks.

Workshop details

  • The workshop will begin at 1:00 pm EST and we will have one 15 minute break
  • Please plan on joining 10 minutes before the start to ensure your technology is working
  • CEUs will be sent upon receipt of your completed evaluation
  • If you prefer to pay by check please send to NASW NH, 4 Chenell Drive #103, Concord, NH 03301
  • Questions? Email Lynn at lynncstanley@gmail.com



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