Our Warming Climate: Social Work Tools to Foster Resilience

NASWME Chapter 0 580
1.5 Clinical Category A CEUs - live webinar

About this event

Our Warming Climate: Social Work Tools to Foster Resilience

Carol Hart, LICSW

Rebecca MacKenzie, LICSW


1.5 Clinical Category A CEUs approved by NASW NH. NASW NH Approval #

As we observe our warming climate creating chaos around the globe, we realize the social work perspective of Person-In-Environment needs to expand to include our natural world. Extreme weather events are happening more regularly, as well as more subtle shifts, such as the increase of Lyme dis-ease, threatened livelihoods, and the increase of climate-related depression and anxiety. Social workers stand in a unique position to use our knowledge, experience and skills to facilitate our own self-care as well as help mitigate global warming through policy advocacy. We can deliver trauma-informed interventions to individuals and groups, and organize communities to adapt to changing conditions. This presentation will include information about the devastating effects of climate change on micro and mac-ro levels of life, especially for those who are most vulnerable, as well as concrete tools from neurobiology and energy psychology for building personal and community resilience.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Name three physical and/or mental health consequences of the climate crisis for residents of New England.
  • Name three groups likely to be most impacted by climate change in New England.
  • Practice at least three resilience skills from current psychological and neurological science.
  • Describe resources for self-care, building community and strengthening resilience skills.


About the Presenters

Carol Hart, LICSW, is a licensed clinical social worker. She has long been interested in the stewardship of our planet in the context of her lifelong journey of spiritual inquiry. In 2001, Carol began studying subtle energy, earned certification in Thought Field Therapy and became a member of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). She is a member of the New Hampshire Medical Reserve Corp and Behavioral Health Response Team. Carol has been a member of NASW since 1996.

Rebecca MacKenzie, LICSW, is a licensed clinical social worker with a private practice in Claremont, NH and Windsor, VT. She began sharing her concern for environmental degradation and its effects on all life in a graduate class on International Social Work in 1999. She has focused on this work as a community advocate since 2011. Rebecc

Cultivating Youth Mattering

NASWME Chapter 0 569
1.5 CEs - live webinar

About this event

Cultivating Youth Mattering

Ruby Parker, MA


1.5 Clinical CEs approved by NASW ME

The Maine Resilience Building Network brings you an interactive learning session on cultivating mattering for youth. Maine state data highlights that a number of youth feel they don’t matter to their community and an overwhelming number report anxiety, depression and feelings of loneliness. This session raises awareness of the science of mattering, provides data and offers strategies to foster connections to build stronger communities and ensure youth believe they are part of the solutions.. During this time of opportunity and challenge, together we must create a springboard for community driven change for youth. Together we will listen, learn and share perspectives from our work.

Learning Objectives Participants will be able to:

  • Explain the science of mattering.
  • Describe state and local data on mattering and protective factors for youth.
  • Discuss strategies that promote connectedness and mattering in youth and learn from other participants of examples of mattering in our communities.

About the Presenter

Ruby Parker is the Engagement & Education Director for the Maine Resilience Building Network (MRBN). Ruby provides education across the state to build awareness of the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the importance of protective factors in building resilience. Ruby provides opportunities for learning to parents, policy makers, professionals, and community members. Prior to joining MRBN, Ruby worked on an ACES statewide education effort in the state of Maryland where she built a learning collaborative of professional trainers who worked to spread awareness through presentations designed to build self-healing communities. Ruby participates as a member of a number of coalitions, committees and task forces all aimed to address trauma and promote safe and supportive environments for children. Ruby obtained her education in Baltimore with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Goucher College and a master’s degree in Conflict Management from the University of Baltimore.

Workshop details:

  • A zoom link and handouts will be sent prior to the workshop
  • The workshop will start at 3:00 pm EST, please join us a few minutes early to ensure your technology is working
  • All participants receiving a CE Certificate are required to sign their full name into the chat

Unequal Justice: Women in the Criminal Justice System

NASWME Chapter 0 618

Rebecca Thompson, LCSW

Women and men are not treated equally under the law or in the criminal justice system. In this presentation we will look at the impact of this discrimination and bias on women and their children. We will review the incarceration rate and disposition of females in the US. We will talk about gender specific and Youth specific programing addressing mental health issues. We will discuss what happens for families because they are also “doing time.” We will cover what has changed, what still needs to change and what we as social workers and a society can do to bring justice to the justice system.

About the Presenter

Rebecca Thompson, LCSW has worked within the Criminal Justice System for 25 years with youth, and adults, male/female. Much of the time within the walls of detention centers and prisons. During the 25 years changes have happened to increase the positive outcomes for youth and adults, however, as a culture who incarcerates at the highest rate in the world, there is much to be done. As a Clinical Social Worker Rebecca has navigated many ethical dilemmas. She has questioned her role working within the system and wondered if this is the best way to promote the betterment of the men, women and children that find themselves behind bars. But once you start with this population it is hard to leave. They are one of the most underserved people in the community, their needs are extremely high and often go unmet. Rebecca believes that by working within the system and trying to be part of the change from the inside is where her strength lies.

Free CE for NASW Members

$25 for not yet members

Free for social work students (no CE certificate)


We are committed to providing information and resources to help all social workers in their professional lives. We are able to do this because of NASW Members - membership dues are a major part of our Chapter's budget. If you are not a member, please consider becoming one today. When you become a member of NASW, you automatically become a member of your Chapter and help support our work.

Essential Neuroscience for Clinical Practice

NASWME Chapter 0 2759
20 Formal CEUs including 2 in Ethics - live webinar

About this event

NASW Vermont is pleased to bring you this special professional development opportunity

Essential Neuroscience for Clinical Practice

Charlie Safford, LCSW & Celia Grand, LCSW


20 Formal CEUs (2 in ETHICS) approved by NASW VT. NASW VT Approval #1050


October 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2021

8:45 am - 2:45 pm EST

There will be a break in the morning and a 45 minute lunch break

Presenting a four-day conference, 20 hours total, of learning. This workshop will provide the mental health clinician a powerful learning experience for absorbing and applying the latest knowledge and skills in affective neuroscience. Based on research and evidence-based practice, this conference will increase the knowledge base of each attendee of the key scientists and clinicians and advance understandings in this area of practice. Participants will learn how to apply their key concepts in an easy to follow, practical way to improve client outcomes.

Leaders in the field of mental health acknowledge that we are now in the affective neuroscience era, and we all need to be up to date to operate with best practices. We can make this material easy to understand, easy to digest, and easy to apply in powerful ways to improve your practice.

Objectives for this Course:

1. Describe how our neurological systems operate in readily understandable ways that can enhance your clinical skills and be directly applied to more effective psychoeducation for clients

2. Explain the practical vocabulary and concepts of affective neuroscience for more effective emotional clarification work, skill building in the use of emotions, and strengthening emotional control skills (emotional granularity)

3. Discuss the different interacting components of a person’s executive function skills (XFS), how they develop, what can go wrong, and what interaction strategies can be used to support XFS development and repair XFS impairments

4. Incorporate knowledge on the inborn neurological and temperamental differences that people present in ways that allow for more accurate client assessment, diagnosis and treatment, better parent education, and building motivation for treatment

5. Discuss the current leading voices bridging the world of neuroscience and the world of clinical practice: who they are, their important contributions, and the practical applications for work with trauma, anxiety, depression and other common precipitants for mental health interven


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