Couples Therapy in Seven Words


NASWME Chapter 0 784

Bruce Chalmer, Ph.D.

Judy Alexander, MAED

3 Clinical CEUs approved by NASW VT. Approval #1024

Course description:

“Be kind, don’t panic, and have faith.” In this course, we’ll explore how that seven-word formula can serve as a guide to helping couples understand their situation, get hold of themselves, and strengthen their resolve to do the work of healing. And we’ll see how the formula can be applied in some common couples therapy situations, including infidelity, sex problems, and knowing when to call it quits.

This course is based on ideas in Bruce’s recently published book, Reigniting the Spark: Why Stable Relationships Lose Intimacy, and How to Get It Back.

The Dynamics and Skills of Supervision: The Middle Phase, the Parallel Process and the Interactional Model


NASWME Chapter 0 1610

Lawrence Shulman, M.S.W., Ed.D

Six (6) Clinical Category A CEUs have been approved by NASW NH. Approval #3776

March 2nd - 8:45 am - 12:00 pm

March 9th - 8:45 am - 12:00 pm

You must attend both mornings for CEUs

The focus of this workshop will be on method - what the supervisor does in interactions with staff. Essential skills in communication, relationship, and group leadership will be described and illustrated. Participants will be able to share their own experiences.

Issues to be raised may include supervising defensive staff members, staff apathy and resistance to change, helping staff to develop skills for professional impact dealing with other staff, and addressing staff primary and secondary trauma. A parallel process will be identified in that the way supervisors deal with staff will be viewed as modeling for staff how to relate to clients. The idea that more is “caught” than “taught” will be central. The workshop will also address supervision of Evidenced-Based Practice (e.g., MI, SFP and CBT) in an integrative rather than prescriptive manner so as to increase E.B.P. sustainability in the setting.

Ethical Suicide Prevention, Assessment & Response Using Telehealth


NASWME Chapter 0 953

Charles Safford, LCSW

Three (3) Clinical Category A CEUs in Ethics and Suicide Prevention are pending approval from NASW NH

This three-hour course will address the special complications and risks of working with suicidal clients when utilizing telemental health as the service delivery model. It will also provide guidelines for making determinations about which clients may and may not be suitable for treatment using distance technologies, and forms and templates to assist in mitigating the risk through appropriate assessment and development of a safety plan. In order to optimize the learning experience, this program will include scenario and analysis and experiential learning.

When Your Client is a QAnon Supporter: Cognitive Biases and the Clinician's


NASWME Chapter 0 855

Charles Safford, LCSW

3 Clinical Category A CEUs are pending approval from NASW NH

This 3-hour course will focus on understanding the emotional and cognitive causes of adherence to conspiracy theories, such as QAnon, in order to prepare the clinician to intercede and apply correctives when the belief system of the client is maladaptive in important areas of the client’s life. Applying important principles and approaches of Motivational Interviewing, this program will address some intervention approaches most likely to be effective in inviting the client to reshape his/her belief system in more adaptive ways. This program will also necessarily address the clinician’s professional obligation to intercede in a respectful and appropriately bounded way in accordance with the NASW Code of Ethics principles related to autonomy and respect for the client. To assist in the integration of material, some clinical scenarios will be examined and discussed.

Course objectives:

1. Apply knowledge of conspiracy theory research, including emotional components, cognitive bias, including sunk cost fallacy, and other evidence based understandings, in order to generate effective interventions for client adherence to QAnon and other conspiracy theories.

2. Utilize principles and approaches of the Socratic Method and Motivational Interviewing to assist clients in examining conspiracy theory adherence in a clinically effective and ethically respectful way.

3. Address the professional and legal boundaries for the self necessary to respond effectively to the client’s QAnon adherence without reactivity or countertransference impeding the integrity of the professional relationship.


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