
The Maine Board of Social Worker Licensure was established to provide for the regulation of persons offering social work services to safeguard the public health, safety and welfare, to protect the public from incompetent and unauthorized persons and to ensure high standards of practice by social workers.

The primary responsibilities of the Board is to evaluate qualifications, to supervise examinations of applicants, to grant licenses to those who meet board requirements, to investigate complaints, and to take disciplinary action. The Board may also revoke or to refuse to renew any licenses after proper notice and hearing.  You can learn more about the Maine Board of Social Work Licensure here


Visit Maine Board of Social Worker Licensure website for more information.

Contact Information:

Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
Office of Licensing and Registration
Maine Board of Social Worker Licensure
#35 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0035
Telephone: 207.624.8609

New Rules Update with the Board of Social Work Licensure

11/17/2022 - NASW ME hosts Kristina Halvorsen, Administrator for the Board of Social Work Licensure in Maine, to discuss the newest updates to the Rules governing social workers in Maine which went into effect on 10/11/2022. Rules can be found here: Rule Chapters for the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation (Maine)

Closed caption file here: Passcode Required - Zoom 

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